An Anology of the Ego

When considering the roll of the Ego in our lives I like to use the analogy of an orchestra. This is a little odd because I will be the first to tell you I am music stupid. Oh well this is how the information came to me so forgive any misuse of musical terms.

The Composer
The composer is your higher self or real you,  and knows your real potential, writing the music accordingly. This musical score is then handed to the editing producer.

The Editing Producer

Your subconscious mind and the beliefs it holds as truth are the editing producer. It is here that the score written by the higher self is edited with a rule book of limiting beliefs and enhanced by empowering beliefs.

It is the producer/ subconscious mind that has the real power to manifest both good and bad in your life.

The Instrument Section:

This is the different aspects of your life. Work, Family, Hobbies, and challenges like illness or unemployment

The Musicians

Your talents, gifts, thoughts, actions, and feelings are the musicians,. manifesting the music from the written score into the reality of life.

The Conductor

Your conscious awareness is the conductor, waving the baton to direct the music, what part is played by what section when.

The Baton

Finally we get to the EGO,  the baton is what is most visible as it flashes about and signals the musicians, this creates the illusion that the baton/ego is what is making the music happen.

When people talk about surrendering the Ego they really are saying surrender the illusion that the Ego is the real you and in charge.

It is the Ego or the voice of the conscious mind, that says I can do what I want and will direct a section to play…. But if that desire is in conflict with the “rule book” things will not work.

Now when the Ego let’s go of this illusion… conscious awareness (that ego has been concealing) can connect to the subconscious and see what “rules” are affecting the music.

Then awareness and ego can work together to change the rules that are limiting the full expression of the music.

And that my dear readers is when MAGIC happens;

Coming soon …. Rules? what rules?  Understanding how our own beliefs limit our potential and sabotage our happiness

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